Három oldalra billenoHapert
Cobalt HM-2 4,05×2,00m 3500kg +Zubehör
Három oldalra billeno
Cobalt HM-2 4,05×2,00m 3500kg +Zubehör
Rögzített ár nem tartalmazza az áfát
9 102 EUR
(10 831 EUR bruttó)

Fényképek megjelenítése
Térkép megjelenítése
- Megnevezés:
- Három oldalra billeno
- Gyártó:
- Hapert
- Jármű száma:
- Hapert Cobalt HM-2 4,05×2,00m 3500kg elektrisch +Nothandpumpe +Parabelfeder
- Kondíció:
- új
Rögzített ár nem tartalmazza az áfát
9 102 EUR
(10 831 EUR bruttó)
- Helyszín:
- Am Giener 8, 55268 Nieder-Olm, DE
Hívja a címet.
- Össztömeg:
- 3 500 kg
- Üres rakomány súlya:
- 1 182 kg
- Maximális terhelési súly:
- 2 318 kg
- Fejsze konfiguráció:
- 2 tengely
- Rakodótér hossza:
- 4 050 mm
- Rakodóhely szélessége:
- 2 000 mm
- Rakodótér magassága:
- 300 mm
- Jegyzékazonosító:
- A807-93-83
- Referenciaszám:
- Hapert Cobalt HM-2 4,05×2,00m 3500kg elektrisch +N
- Utoljára frissítve:
- ekkor: 19.12.2024
Installed accessories
- Parabolic suspension incl. wheel shock absorbers
- Drive-on package (ramp shaft, two aluminum ramps, two crank supports)
- E-pump including emergency hand pump
Hydraulics (tipping and lowering system)
- Electric three-way tipper
- rear tipping angle 49 degrees, side 45 degrees
- Large 5-stage hydraulic cylinder
- Emergency hand pump, convenient lowering via emergency hand pump possible
- 12V battery and hydraulic unit protected in steel box
- Removable tilt control unit with long spiral cable
- 3-phase charge status display via tipper control unit
- 7-pin socket mounted on the trailer with charging cable
Drive-on package
- in the frame, behind the license plate, integrated rail shaft
- Two reinforced aluminum drive-on ramps, 2.50 m long with anti-slip protection
- Two sturdy crank supports, foldable by pulling mechanism
- one hand crank with carrier
Dropside, railing and co.
- additional dropside hinges for more stability and pressure resistance
- Three hinges on the front and seven on the sides
- double-walled anodized aluminium drop sides, 30 cm high
- Drop sides can be folded down and removed on all sides
- Plug-in corner stanchions
- Quick conversion to platform trailer
- With durable and high-quality corrosion protection
- HAPERT locking system: robust, recessed locks with double action
Hanging option for tarpaulins and nets
- New dropside hinges incl. attachment option for a cargo net, among other things
Chassis and frame
- Chassis completely welded and fully bath-galvanized
- Tipper bridge completely welded and fully bath-galvanized
- Bolted V-drawbar
- U-profile at the rear, for easier attachment of the loading ramps
- Low chassis 195/50R13C tires
- Towing ball coupling with safety indicator
- Height-adjustable Hapert automatic support wheel with hardened castor
Loading area and floor
- Galvanized steel plate attached to the multiplex floor
- Sendzimir sheet steel 1.5 mm thick
- Continuous and waterproof multiplex floor
- Finnish birch plywood, 11-ply waterproof press-glued
- 15 mm thick
Lighting equipment
- Modern multifunctional lighting
- with rear fog light
- with reversing light
- with LED front marker lights
- 13-pin plug
Wheels and axles
- Combination suspension/wheel suspension system
- Parabolic suspension incl. shock absorbers
- Smooth ride comfort
- 195/50R13C tires with black rims
- Maintenance-free compact wheel bearings
- with automatic reverse
Lashing and securing options
- TÜV-certified load securing system from HAPERT
- 8 recessed fastening brackets integrated in the frame in accordance with DIN standard with 1000 dAN (kg) per eyelet
- Further recessed fastening brackets integrated in the frame can be retrofitted
Documents and freight costs
- Freight costs to us already included
- incl. vehicle registration certificate (registration certificate part 2)
- incl. COC document (EEC Certificate of Conformity)
- No further unwanted costs
- Discharge possible for an additional charge (pure TÜV fee)
Documents and freight costs
- Freight costs to us already included
- incl. vehicle registration certificate (registration certificate part 2)
- Incl. COC document (EEC Certificate of Conformity)
- No further unwanted costs
- Discharge possible for an additional charge (pure TÜV fee)
Further offers and information can be found on our homepage.
Simply enter "Dapper trailer" in your search engine.
A hirdetés automatikusan került lefordításra, éppen ezért fordítási hibák előfordulhatnak.
- Parabolic suspension incl. wheel shock absorbers
- Drive-on package (ramp shaft, two aluminum ramps, two crank supports)
- E-pump including emergency hand pump
Hydraulics (tipping and lowering system)
- Electric three-way tipper
- rear tipping angle 49 degrees, side 45 degrees
- Large 5-stage hydraulic cylinder
- Emergency hand pump, convenient lowering via emergency hand pump possible
- 12V battery and hydraulic unit protected in steel box
- Removable tilt control unit with long spiral cable
- 3-phase charge status display via tipper control unit
- 7-pin socket mounted on the trailer with charging cable
Drive-on package
- in the frame, behind the license plate, integrated rail shaft
- Two reinforced aluminum drive-on ramps, 2.50 m long with anti-slip protection
- Two sturdy crank supports, foldable by pulling mechanism
- one hand crank with carrier
Dropside, railing and co.
- additional dropside hinges for more stability and pressure resistance
- Three hinges on the front and seven on the sides
- double-walled anodized aluminium drop sides, 30 cm high
- Drop sides can be folded down and removed on all sides
- Plug-in corner stanchions
- Quick conversion to platform trailer
- With durable and high-quality corrosion protection
- HAPERT locking system: robust, recessed locks with double action
Hanging option for tarpaulins and nets
- New dropside hinges incl. attachment option for a cargo net, among other things
Chassis and frame
- Chassis completely welded and fully bath-galvanized
- Tipper bridge completely welded and fully bath-galvanized
- Bolted V-drawbar
- U-profile at the rear, for easier attachment of the loading ramps
- Low chassis 195/50R13C tires
- Towing ball coupling with safety indicator
- Height-adjustable Hapert automatic support wheel with hardened castor
Loading area and floor
- Galvanized steel plate attached to the multiplex floor
- Sendzimir sheet steel 1.5 mm thick
- Continuous and waterproof multiplex floor
- Finnish birch plywood, 11-ply waterproof press-glued
- 15 mm thick
Lighting equipment
- Modern multifunctional lighting
- with rear fog light
- with reversing light
- with LED front marker lights
- 13-pin plug
Wheels and axles
- Combination suspension/wheel suspension system
- Parabolic suspension incl. shock absorbers
- Smooth ride comfort
- 195/50R13C tires with black rims
- Maintenance-free compact wheel bearings
- with automatic reverse
Lashing and securing options
- TÜV-certified load securing system from HAPERT
- 8 recessed fastening brackets integrated in the frame in accordance with DIN standard with 1000 dAN (kg) per eyelet
- Further recessed fastening brackets integrated in the frame can be retrofitted
Documents and freight costs
- Freight costs to us already included
- incl. vehicle registration certificate (registration certificate part 2)
- incl. COC document (EEC Certificate of Conformity)
- No further unwanted costs
- Discharge possible for an additional charge (pure TÜV fee)
Documents and freight costs
- Freight costs to us already included
- incl. vehicle registration certificate (registration certificate part 2)
- Incl. COC document (EEC Certificate of Conformity)
- No further unwanted costs
- Discharge possible for an additional charge (pure TÜV fee)
Further offers and information can be found on our homepage.
Simply enter "Dapper trailer" in your search engine.
A hirdetés automatikusan került lefordításra, éppen ezért fordítási hibák előfordulhatnak.
Kapcsolattartó személy: Úr Eric Dapper
Am Giener 8
55268 Nieder-Olm, Németország
+49 6136 ... mutasd meg a
Regisztrált ekkor: 2008
Többet mutasson
További jogi információk megjelenítése
Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:
Dapper GmbH
Am Giener 8
55268 Nieder-Olm
Geschäftsführer: Eric Dapper
Telefon: +49 (0) 6136 2340
Telefax: +49 (0) 6136 1392
Eintragung im Handelsregister.
Registergericht: Mainz
Registernummer: HRB44499
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß §27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE288199996
Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Dieter Dapper
Quelle:Impressumsgenerator, Rechtsanwalt fürInternetrechtSören Siebert
Dapper GmbH
Am Giener 8
55268 Nieder-Olm
Geschäftsführer: Eric Dapper
Telefon: +49 (0) 6136 2340
Telefax: +49 (0) 6136 1392
Eintragung im Handelsregister.
Registergericht: Mainz
Registernummer: HRB44499
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß §27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE288199996
Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Dieter Dapper
Quelle:Impressumsgenerator, Rechtsanwalt fürInternetrechtSören Siebert
További jogi információk bezárása
Kevesebb mutatása
Kérelem küldése
+49 6136 ... mutasd meg a
Ezek a hirdetések is érdekelhetik Önt.

888 km
Három oldalra billeno
HapertCobalt HM-2 3,05x1,80m 3000kg +Zubehör
HapertCobalt HM-2 3,05x1,80m 3000kg +Zubehör

1 073 km
3 oldalas billenőplató
HapertCobalt HM-2 FERRO PARAB. NFW 375X180X30CM 3500KG
HapertCobalt HM-2 FERRO PARAB. NFW 375X180X30CM 3500KG

888 km
Három oldalra billeno
HapertCobalt HM-2 Ferro 3,75x1,80m + Zubehör
HapertCobalt HM-2 Ferro 3,75x1,80m + Zubehör

1 073 km
3 oldalas billenőplató
HapertCobalt HM-2 KOMPOSIT I NFW 405X200X30CM 3500KG
HapertCobalt HM-2 KOMPOSIT I NFW 405X200X30CM 3500KG

1 073 km
3 oldalas billenőplató
HapertCobalt HM-2 KOMPOSIT I PBF 335X180X30CM 3500KG
HapertCobalt HM-2 KOMPOSIT I PBF 335X180X30CM 3500KG

925 km
3 oldalas billenőplató
HapertCobalt HM-2+ Dreiseitenkipper
HapertCobalt HM-2+ Dreiseitenkipper

888 km
Három oldalra billeno
HapertCobalt HM-2 3,05x1,80m 2700kg Handpumpe
HapertCobalt HM-2 3,05x1,80m 2700kg Handpumpe

1 073 km
3 oldalas billenőplató
HapertCobalt HM-2 FERRO MULTI PARAB. NFW 375X180X30CM
HapertCobalt HM-2 FERRO MULTI PARAB. NFW 375X180X30CM

510 km
Háromoldalas billenős pótkocsi
HapertCobalt HM-2
HapertCobalt HM-2

722 km
3 oldalas billenőplató
HapertCobalt 3-Seitenkipper HM-2 3350 x 1800 x 300 mm, ZG 3,5 to. E-Pumpe
HapertCobalt 3-Seitenkipper HM-2 3350 x 1800 x 300 mm, ZG 3,5 to. E-Pumpe

925 km
3 oldalas billenőplató
HapertCobalt HM-2+ Gitter Dreiseitenkipper
HapertCobalt HM-2+ Gitter Dreiseitenkipper

1 073 km
3 oldalas billenőplató
HapertCOBALT HM-2 I NFW 305X180X30CM 2700KG
HapertCOBALT HM-2 I NFW 305X180X30CM 2700KG

722 km
3 oldalas billenőplató
HapertCobalt 3-Seitenkipper HM-2 3050 x 1800 x 300 mm, ZG 3,0 to. E-Pumpe, Plane 180 cm
HapertCobalt 3-Seitenkipper HM-2 3050 x 1800 x 300 mm, ZG 3,0 to. E-Pumpe, Plane 180 cm

925 km
3 oldalas billenőplató
HapertCobalt HM-2 Pendelklappe+Gitte Dreiseitenkipper
HapertCobalt HM-2 Pendelklappe+Gitte Dreiseitenkipper

1 073 km
3 oldalas billenőplató
HapertCobalt HM-2 KOMPOSIT I NFW 335X180X30CM 3000KG
HapertCobalt HM-2 KOMPOSIT I NFW 335X180X30CM 3000KG

722 km
3 oldalas billenőplató
HapertCobalt 3-Seitenkipper HM-2 3050 x 1800 x 300 mm, ZG 3,0 to. E-Pumpe
HapertCobalt 3-Seitenkipper HM-2 3050 x 1800 x 300 mm, ZG 3,0 to. E-Pumpe

925 km
3 oldalas billenőplató
HapertCobalt HM-2+ BWAufs Dreiseitenkipper
HapertCobalt HM-2+ BWAufs Dreiseitenkipper

722 km
3 oldalas billenőplató
HapertCobalt 3-S.-Kipper HM-2 Ferro, 100 km/h Parabel 3350 x 1800 x 300 mm, ZG 3,5 to.
HapertCobalt 3-S.-Kipper HM-2 Ferro, 100 km/h Parabel 3350 x 1800 x 300 mm, ZG 3,5 to.

925 km
3 oldalas billenőplató
HapertCobalt HB-2 Rückwärtskipper
HapertCobalt HB-2 Rückwärtskipper

888 km
Építkezési gép utánfutó
HapertIndigo HT-2 4,05×2,01m 3500kg
HapertIndigo HT-2 4,05×2,01m 3500kg

888 km
HapertCobalt Dreiachser Plus 4,05x2,00m 3500kg
HapertCobalt Dreiachser Plus 4,05x2,00m 3500kg

888 km
HapertCobalt Plus 4,05x2,00m 3500kg
HapertCobalt Plus 4,05x2,00m 3500kg

888 km
Építkezési gép utánfutó
HapertIndigo LF-2 3,55×1,69m 3500kg
HapertIndigo LF-2 3,55×1,69m 3500kg

888 km
Építkezési gép utánfutó
HapertIndigo LF-2 3,05×1,59m 3500kg
HapertIndigo LF-2 3,05×1,59m 3500kg
A hirdetése sikeresen törlésre került
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